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During this process i have learned a lot about the reading process and all that goes into the instruction. I believe that i have a better understanding of what i am expected to teach my future students as a teacher. I feel more comfortable with the steps it takes to be a successful reading teacher. I have also realized how important reading is in the classroom. It is the basis for all other subjects. One challenge i faced through this process was figuring out how the website worked. Once i was able to figure it out i had no problem adding to it. It took a lot of time playing around with the website to completely understand it. One thing i found easy was the endless amount of information that backed up the information i was trying to provide. In the process of looking up information i came across a lot of other research that supported issues i had not even though of but would definitely consider for my future classroom activities. The information that i found for this project will be very helpful for the future. I plan to use this information as a future teacher. The activities that i selected could be used in any reading classroom. Although my activities are for a range of ages, they could easily be changed up in a way to suit other ages.

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